5 Life Lessons Bill Gates shared with the Forestry and Engineering Graduates of Northern Arizona University


Your Life Isn’t A One-Act Play

Your Life Isn’t A One-Act Play

You probably feel a lot of pressure right now to make the right decisions about your career. What you do tomorrow, or for the next ten years, does not have to be what you do forever. Not only is it okay to change your mind or have a second career, it can be a very good thing.



You Are Never Too Smart To Be Confused

You Are Never Too Smart To Be Confused

You may be done with school, but you can and should see the rest of your life as an education. At some point in your career, you will find yourself facing a problem you cannot solve on your own. When that happens, don’t panic. Take a breath. Force yourself to think things through. And then find smart people to learn from. Just about everything I have accomplished came because I sought out others who knew more. People want to help you. The key is to not be afraid to ask.



Gravitate Toward Work That Solves An Important Problem

Gravitate Toward Work That Solves An Important Problem

When you spend your days doing something that solves a big problem, it energizes you to do your best work. It forces you to be more creative, and it gives your life a strong sense of purpose.



Don’t Underestimate The Power Of Friendship

Don’t Underestimate The Power Of Friendship

When I was in school, I became friends with another student who shared a lot of my interests, like science fiction novels and computer magazines. Little did I know how important that friendship would be. My friend’s name was Paul Allen, and we started Microsoft together. Remember that people you’ve sat next to in lectures, skied Snowbowl with, and competed against on Wingo night are not just your classmates. They are your network. Your future co-founders and colleagues. A great future source of support, information, and advice.



You Are Not A Slacker If You Cut Yourself Some Slack

You Are Not A Slacker If You Cut Yourself Some Slack

Take time to celebrate your successes and to recover from your losses. Take a break when you need to. Take it easy on the people around you when they need it too.